Maca Coffee Cacao Smoothie for Stress Relief and Energy

It’s no secret – I LOVE chocolate and I never want to live without it. I do, however, tend to give my adrenals a bit of a run, SO for that reason with this recipe, I use decaf coffee (sacrilege I know) or omit it entirely. I can still vouch for the absolute deliciousness of this smoothie though, which is why I wanted to share it

– Sarah x

Big thanks to yoga teacher, clinical nutritionist (and our web designer) Marisa for sharing this recipe blog with us!


I originally called this smoothie “Contradiction” because it contains maca, an adaptogenic root known to contradict the stressful effects of caffeine, which is contained within both cacao & coffee.

While Maca is known to help harmonize the hormones, it’s also a strong supporter of stress. Maca’s plant compounds (called flavonoids) may promote a positive mood and has even been known to assist in reducing both the elevated blood pressure and feelings of depression shown in postmenopausal women.

Note: if you suffer from adrenal fatigue or any other condition of the adrenals, tweak this smoothie by removing the coffee altogether, then replace the cacao with carob powder. We are so lucky to have natural organic carob all over this country. It’s a great, caffeine-free substitute for cacao and other chocolate. Look for it at your local health food store.

Maca Coffee Cacao (or Carob) Smoothie

  • 1/2 banana

  • 1 tbsp raw cashews

  • 1 tsp coffee (beans or ground)

  • 2 tsp raw cacao powder or carob powder

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/2 cup fresh almond milk

  • 1/2 cup coconut water

  • 1 scoop protein*

  • 1tsp maca

  • Optional – 1/2 cup ice

Simply blend all the ingredients together on high, then serve in your favourite cup and enjoy!

*If you choose a whey powder, find one that is from grass-fed, organic sources.

– Marisa x


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